Text of copy made on 9 March 1892 of a Land Grant from 9 November 1829 to William Gamblin, John Bartlett, Thomas Harvey, Alexander Carmichael, James Broad, and William Pearson.
New Brunswick
William Black
George the Fourth by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith. To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Know Ye that we of our special grace certain knowledge and mere motion have given and granted and we do by these presents for us our heirs and successors give and grant unto William Gamblin, John Bartlett, Thomas Harvey, Alexander Carmichael, James Broad, and William Pearson, in severality that is unto each of them and to each and every of their several and respective heirs and assigns, in and by the several divisions quantities lots pieces and parcels hereinafter mentioned size several lots and pieces and parcels of land.
Setuahe lying and being in the Parish of Sussex in the County of Kings in Our Province of New Brunswick that is to say unto the said William Gamblin his heirs and assigns the lot in the tract described in the Plan hereunto annexed as the First Tract and number five and containing two hundred acres more or less with an allowance of ten per cent for roads and waste which same first tract is bounded as follows to wit--
-- Beginning at a stake placed on the northeastern side of the road which leads from Studholm Mill Stream to Long Creek, the said stake being distant on a course by the magnetic needle south twenty five degrees each one chain of four poles from the most southern angle of the lot number four on the said side of said road allotted to Samson Tall agreeably to the lake survey of the English Settlement so called thence running north forty five degrees each ninety chains along the Southeastern side of a reserved road to a marked maple tree thence south twenty five degrees each twenty seven chains thence south forty five degrees west ninety chains to a stake standing on the said side of said road and thence north twenty five degrees west twenty seven chains along the side of said road to the place of beginning.
Unto the said Alexander Carmichael his heirs and assigns the lot described on the said plan as the second tract and number one and containing two hundred acres more or less with an allowance of ten per cent for roads and waste which same second tract is bounded as follows to wit
-- Beginning at a marked poplar tree standing on the said side of said road at the most western angle of the said lot number four thence running north twenty five degrees west twenty seven chains along the line of said road. Thence north forty five degrees east ninety chains thence south twenty five degrees east twenty seven chains to a stake and thence south forty five degrees west ninety chains to the place of beginning.
Unto the said William Pearson his heirs and assigns the lot described on the same plan as the third tract and containing two hundred acres more or less with an allowance of ten per cent for roads and waste which same third tract is bounded as follows to wit--
-- Beginning at a stake placed on the said side of said road at the most western angle of the lot number one granted to Thomas Pearson, in the ??? to John Pearson and associates; thence running north forty five degrees east one hundred and ten chains along the northwestern boundary line of the said lot number one to a stake thence north twenty five degrees west twenty one chains and fifty links thence south forty five degrees west one hundred and ten chains to the said side of the said road and thence south twenty five degrees east twenty one chains and fifty links along the line of said road to the place of beginning.
Unto the said James Broad his heirs and assigns the lot described on the same plan as the fourth tract and number two and containing two hundred acres more or less. With an allowance of ten per cent for roads and waste which same fourth tract is bounded as follows to wit--
-- Beginning at a stake placed on the southwestern side of said road at the most northern angle of the lot number three granted to John Wilson thence running south forty five degrees west one hundred and ten chains along the northwestern boundary line of the said lot number three to a marker fir tree thence north twenty five degrees west twenty one chains and fifty links to the most southern angle of the log number one granted to Samuel Jackson in the grant to John Jackson and associates thence north forty five degrees east one hundred and ten chains along the southeastern boundary line of the said lot number one to a stake placed on the said side of said road and thence south twenty five degrees east twenty one chains and fifty links along the line of said road to the place of beginning.
Unto the said Thomas Harvey his heirs and assigns the lot described on the same plan as the fifth tract and number five and containing two hundred acres more or less with an allowance of ten per cent for roads and waste which same fifth tract is bounded as follows to wit--
-- Beginning at a stake placed on the said southwestern side of said road at the most northern angle of the lot number two granted to Hugh McKenzie thence running south forty five degrees west one hundred and ten chains along the north western boundary line of the said lot number two and its fuolongation thence south twenty five degrees west twenty one chains and fifty links to a marked maple tree, thence north forty five degrees east one hundred and ten chains to a stake placed on the said southwestern side of said road and thence south twenty five degrees east twenty one chains and fifty links along the line of said road to the place of beginning.
Unto the said John Bartlett his heirs and assigns the lot described in the same plan as the sixth tract and number six and containing two hundred acres more or less with an allowance of ten per cent for roads and waste which same sixth tract is bounded as follows to wit
-- Beginning at a stake placed on the said southwestern side of said road distant on a course by the magnetic needle south forty five degrees west one chain from another stake placed on the opposite side of the road at the most western angle of the first tract above mentioned thence south forty five degrees west ninety chains along the line of a reserved road thence south twenty five degrees east twenty seven chains to a stake thence north forty five degrees east ninety chains to a marked maple tree standing on the said south eastern side of said road and thence north twenty five degrees east twenty seven chains to the place of beginning.
And also particularly described and marked out on the plot or plan of Survey hereunto annexed together with all profits commodities hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining except and reserved nevertheless out of this present grant to us our heirs and successors all coals and also all gold and silver and other mines and minerals. To have and to hold the said six (several lots pieces and parcels) of land and all an singular the premises hearby granted with their and every of their appurtenances (except before excepted) unto the said William Gamblin, John Bartlett, Thomas Harvey, Alexander Carmichael, James Broad, and William Pearson, and unto their several and respective heirs and assigns in severalty that is to say in by and according to the several divisions, quantities, lots pieces, and parcels above described and granted they the said several grantees their several and respective heirs and assigns. Yielding and payinghere follow the usual conditions and provisos - x x x x x x x x x x x x
Given under the Great Seal of the Province of New Brunswick. Witness our trusty and well beloved William Black Esquire and President and Commander in Chief of our said Province at Fredericton the ninth day of November in the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty nine and in the tenth year of our Region
By Command of the President in Council Wm. F. Odell
No 2512
Registered the tenth day of November 1829
Wm. F. Odell, Esq.
Richard W. L. Tibbits Deputy Provincial Secretary and Deputy Registrar of the Province of
New Brunswick do here by certify that I have carefully compared the aforegoing copy with
the Record of the Grant to William Gamblin and five others now in my office and find the
same to be a true copy whereof and I further certify that the Plan hereto annexed is a
true manuscript or copy of the Plan attached to the Record of Said Grant.
Provincial Secretary
and Registers Office
Fredericton 9th March 1892
R. W. L. Tibbits